Marked nominative alignment from reanalyzed relative clauses: Towards an explanation of prefixes and suffixes in Northwest Kainji argument marking

In this study I argue that the innovative suffix-marked nominative form is the result of reanalyzing a relative clause structure as main clause syntax. These clauses function are syntactically independent, and yet are somehow discourse dependent with limited occurrence in narrative texts.

Kainji Bibliography

An essential resource for anyone doing research in Kainji langauge speaking areas.

u̱t‑Maꞌin oral histories and narratives

A project collecting Narratives and wordlists from the various lects of the u̱t‑Maꞌin language.

On the development of two progressive constructions in U̱t‑Maꞌin

Synchronic description of two progressive constructions, proposal of historical sources of the distinct morphological pieces, and a comparison of the U̱t‑Maꞌin Progressive Constructions with cognate elements from four Kainji language clusters.

Nominalization and predication in U̱t‑Maꞌin

A description of the morphosyntax of predication in u̱t‑Maꞌin, especially the extensive use of nominalization and NP agreement phenomena within a wide range of predicative functions.

University of Oregon Ph.D Defense

A presentation and defense of my Ph.D dissertation — Nominalization and predication in U̱t‑Maꞌin.

Development of U̱t‑Maꞌin Progressive Constructions

The morphological complexity of the U̱t‑Maꞌin noun class system holds the key to understanding the distinct elements of the two Progressive constructions.

Development of the U̱t-Maꞌin Intransitive Progressive in six stages

Narrative uses of the U̱t‑Maꞌin (Kainji) Bare Verb form

A discourse based study of the distribution of verb forms in narrative texts with focus on the “unmarked” Bare Verb form that is used to progress the storyline — sequential main events in a narrative text.

Verbal categories in U̱t-Ma'in, a Kainji language of Nigeria

A recent study (Nurse et al. 2010) surveyed Niger-Congo verbal categories. However, no data from Kainji languages was included quite likely because very little on Kainji languages has been researched or published. This paper offers data from …