Produced, under the creative vision of Hugh Paterson III with the technical mentoring of Nate Nichols.
Photos of Nigerian language speakers by Hugh Paterson III.
Photo of Becky Paterson by
Kim Jones.
Photos of collaborators provided by the collaborators. Used with permission.
This site is made with open source technologies.
- Built on Wasta Linux.
- Using Atom, gedit, and workflows dependent on Zotero.
- Compiled with golang 1.15.
- Expressed via Hugo
- Templated via Wowchemy (formerly Academic), Hugo-cite, and leipzig.js.
- Deploying Font Awesome, CharisSIL, and Academicons in addition to selections from other font libraries available via, and other open source icon providers like SGVRepo (from which file type icons were obtained); and (from which the manuscript icon was obtained); and the The Noun Project, from which the Grant icon: created by Eucalyp was obtainted.