RefLex User Interaction Design
This was a grant funded project which was tasked to look at the user interaction around RefLex, a web platform which allows linguists to interact with comparative language data for the languages of Africa. The acomplished task was to make recomendations for improved user interaction, lowering barriers to use, and then to create visualizations for what those recomendations might look like. All work was conducted under the admintrative supervision of Guillaume Segerer.
Some of the final recomendations included updating web security practices to increase user trust. Creating visible changes to guide users through common workflows. Creating a visual design language so that visual layout would present less cognitive disidence.
Visual design for applications dealing with linguistic concepts and scores of languages remains an under-researched area of design and user experience analysis.

The starting design of RefLex Credit: Hugh Paterson III
Several Visual alternatives were part of the final product.
A ‘dark theme’ design
Credit: Hugh Paterson III

A playful theme design Credit: Hugh Paterson III

Resource Search Screen Credit: Hugh Paterson III