Dublin Core's DCMIType ‘PhysicalObject’ and its use across the Open Language Archives Community

This study explores the composition of linguistic and anthropological language-focused artifact records which use the DCMIType term ‘PhysicalObject’. However, the results are broadly applicable to all users of Dublin Core. Dublin Core’s …

Bridging Corpora: Creating Learner Pathways Across Texts

The Bridge, a linked data application supporting curriculum development is presented. It was developed with Latin in mind, but has been extended to Greek as well. It quickly helps instructors and students find new vocabulary words in newly assigned texts, based on texts they have already encountered in their curriculum.

Towards Making Shared Metadata Interoperable across the Open Language Archives Community

Two ways to reference the source metadata schema used by OLAC providers.

OLAC and Serials: An Appraisal

Three ways to imporve the indexing of serials within OLAC.

Diversity and Identity: Categories for OAI data-providers in the Open Language Archives Network

Adding a typology to the OLAC profile for OLAC data providers.

An OLAC Perspective on Services: The Forgotten Language Resources

Where Have All the Collections Gone?: Analysis of OLAC Data Contributors' use of DCMIType 'Collection'

Language materials, as commonly conceptualized by academics, are resources which specifically exhibit or provide evidence of a naturally spoken language. The modern area of academic practice known as language documentation has its roots in …

TUG 2021 Abstracts

XLingPaper is a plugin to XMLMind, an XML editor designed for publishers. We describe XLingPaper’s development history and its dependencies on TEX packages for PDF creation. XLingPaper does three things. 1) It controls the user interface of a …

Open Source Code Serving Endangered Languages

We present a database of open source code that can be used by low-resource language communities and developers to build digital resources. Our database is also useful to software developers working with those communities and to researchers looking to …

Phonetic Transcription of Tone in the IPA

When conducting fieldwork on tone languages, the linguist choosing to use the IPA to make phonetic transcriptions of tone is presented with a challenge: Current methods of tone transcription in the IPA require a degree of …