A comparison and discssion of US State Privacy Laws.
XLingPaper is a plugin to XMLMind, an XML editor designed for publishers. We describe XLingPaper’s development history and its dependencies on TEX packages for PDF creation. XLingPaper does three things. 1) It controls the user interface of a …
Archivists and curators benefit from well-documented rights declarations and agreements in the provenance of artifacts. Linguists, folklorists, anthropologists, and increasingly computer scientists, during the course of their work may create large …
This paper sets up, in Spanish the names and places and the various socio-linguistic varieties of spoken Me’phaa. This paper appears as ‘chapter two’ or ‘volume two’ in the Me’phaa grammar files also known as the Me’phaa …
The (inter)dental approximant is a little-studied speech sound in the Philippines and Western Australia. In this paper, we document the articulation of the sound, providing acoustic and video data from Kagayanen and Limos Kalinga, respectively. The …