Strategy, technology, and user interaction consultation about RefLex.
I take pictures of the interesting places I go. This index gallery displays some of the images I have created. I particulary like large expances and fine detail. My subjects often include mountains, celestial bodies, light sources, and flowers. I am attracted by high contrasts, including in black and white images.
Discussing the business maturity of an ongoing business idea and a business in operation is a frequent task of IDX. This canvas was designed to facilitate that conversation.
A Github collaboration to index open source software for minority or low resource languages.
Strategy and technology consultation with SIL staff to develop interdepartmental communications strategy.
Worked with a team to bring modern features via Drupal 7 to the flagship website of SIL International.
This project seeks to make known issues in Language Resource Accessibility. It is primarily concerned with two facets of accessibility 1) the User Experience related to interacting with archived content; and 2) the aggregation of item level metadata about language resources in collections.