A presentation of a methodology for using parallel corpora to compare typing experiences.
A presentation of a looking at various factors for establishing a meaningful cross-language evaluation of text input tools.
The OLAC community has several componnets which make it successful. This talk looks at several critical areas which make that succes more valuable.
A look at indexing serials in OLAC.
The mash-up of LRMI and OLAC metadata for the benefit of language revitilization.
How should peer-review be different for different kinds of resources? What constitutes a complex language resource?
When and where does community review and peer-review create mutal benefit?
What is the overlap between services and language resources? How ought these be described in the OLAC application profile?
Presenting OLAC for Audio Archivists
A review of the arrangement of audio artifacts in three different collections, each at a different language archive.