Photo Digitization

SIL Americas Area project to digitize photos documenting the people and the work of SIL in the Americas.

Text Digitization

SIL Americas Area project to digitize for electronic distribution many of its indigenous language resources in print mediums.

Ethnologue: The Linguistic Straw-man

Some rough thoughts on how the Ethnologue is perceived and used socially.

Lasting Linguistics: Making a Meaningful Mark

This was three mini-presentations on language documentation.

An Unlikely Retention

The (inter)dental approximant, which we symbolize as [ð̞], of the Philippine language Kagayanen has been claimed to be both phonemic and a retention from a proto language (Olson, et al. 2010)‡. It is the goal of this paper to demonstrate how the …

Repair Strategies Used with the Interdental Approximant in Some Philippine Languages

Note: The slides in this presentation were very similar to those used at ICAL-11 which was mostly the same presentation. This one took on a bit more of an Opimality Theory flavor.