TEI Lexicon Bibliography
This is a short non-exhaustive bibliography of lexicon projects which have tested or opted to use the XML TEI format for their data.
- Alessi (n.d.)
- Alessi, R. (n.d.). Greek-Arabic-Greek Lexicon. Retrieved from http://www.robertalessi.net/en/greek-arabic-lexicon
- Bański & Moszczyński (2008)
- Bański, P. & Moszczyński, R. (2008). Enhancing an English-Polish electronic dictionary for multiword expression research. In LERC. (pp. 2619–2622). Retrieved from https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01757108
- Bański, Bowers & Erjavec (2017)
- Bański, P., Bowers, J. & Erjavec, T. (2017). TEI-Lex0 guidelines for the encoding of dictionary information on written and spoken forms. In Kosem, I., Tiberius, C., Jakubíček, M., Kallas, J., Krek, S. & Baisa, V. (Eds.), Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century: Proceedings of ELex 2017 Conference, Sep 2017, Leiden, Netherlands. (pp. 485–494). Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o. Retrieved from https://elex.link/elex2017/proceedings-download
- Bates & Lonsdale (2009)
- Bates, D. & Lonsdale, D. (2009). Recovering and updating legacy dictionary data. In Dunham, J. & Lyon, J. (Eds.), Papers for the 44th Annual International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages. (pp. 1–12). Retrieved from https://lingpapers.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2018/02/2009_Bates_Lonsdale.pdf
- Birnbaum, Cournane & Flynn (1999)
- Birnbaum, D., Cournane, M. & Flynn, P. (1999). Using the TEI Writing System Declaration (WSD). Computers and the Humanities, 33(1). 49–57. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1001742011783
- Bowers & Romary (2018)
- Bowers, J. & Romary, L. (2018). Bridging the Gaps between Digital Humanities, Lexicography, and Linguistics: A TEI Dictionary for the Documentation of Mixtepec-Mixtec. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, 39(2). 79–106. https://doi.org/10.1353/dic.2018.0022
- Bowers & Romary (2016)
- Bowers, J. & Romary, L. (2016). Deep Encoding of Etymological Information in TEI. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative(Issue 10). https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.1643
- Budin, Majewski & Mörth (2012)
- Budin, G., Majewski, S. & Mörth, K. (2012). Creating Lexical Resources in TEI P5: A Schema for Multi-purpose Digital Dictionaries. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative(Issue 3). https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.522
- Czaykowska-Higgins, Holmes & Kell (2014)
- Czaykowska-Higgins, E., Holmes, M. & Kell, S. (2014). Using TEI for an Endangered Language Lexical Resource: The Nxaʔamxcín Database-Dictionary Project. Language Documentation & Conservation, 8. 37.
- Fraser (2011)
- Fraser, B. (2011). The TEI Dictionary Schema for XML: its worth and weakness for the lexicographer. Retrieved from http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/blf10/Links/TEI.html
- Graiger (2006)
- Graiger, C. (2006). TEI P5: Encoding dictionaries & more.
- Ide & Véronis (1995)
- Ide, N. & Véronis, J. (1995). Encoding Dictionaries. Computers and the Humanities, 29(2). 167–179. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01830710
- Kang (1996)
- Kang, B. (1996). Markup of Korean Dictionary Entries. In Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 11). (pp. 219–228). Kyung Hee University. Retrieved from http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/papers/Y/Y96/Y96-1023
- Kang (1997, 1998)
- Kang, B. (1997, 1998). Modifying the TEI DTD: The Case of Korean Dictionaries. Computers and the Humanities, 31(5). 433–449. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/30200444
- Mackillop (2000)
- Mackillop, S. (2000). Encoding a Historical Dictionary with the TEI (With reference to the Electronic Scottish National Dictionary Project). 12. Retrieved from https://euralex.org/publications/encoding-a-historical-dictionary-with-the-tei-with-reference-to-the-electronic-scottish-national-dictionary-project/
- Měchura (n.d.)
- Měchura, M. (n.d.). An XSLT stylesheet for TEI-encoded dictionaries. Retrieved from https://github.com/michmech/tei-dictionary.xsl
- Romary & Wegstein (2012)
- Romary, L. & Wegstein, W. (2012). Consistent Modeling of Heterogeneous Lexical Structures. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative(Issue 3). https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.540
- Salmon-Alt, Romary & Buchi (2005)
- Salmon-Alt, S., Romary, L. & Buchi, E. (2005). Modelling diachrony in dictionaries. 3.
- Terence Langendoen & Simons (1995)
- Terence Langendoen, D. & Simons, G. (1995). A rationale for the TEI recommendations for feature-structure markup. Computers and the Humanities, 29(3). 191–209. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01830616
- Trippel, Maxwell, Corbett, Prince, Manning, Grimes & Moran (2008)
- Trippel, T., Maxwell, M., Corbett, G., Prince, C., Manning, C., Grimes, S. & Moran, S. (2008). Lexicon Schemas and Related Data Models:when Standards Meet Users. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08). 3205–3212. Retrieved from https://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2008/pdf/812_paper.pdf
- Tutin & Véronis (1998)
- Tutin, A. & Véronis, J. (1998). Electronic Dictionary Encoding: Customizing the TEI Guidelines.
- Tutin & Véronis (n.d.)
- Tutin, A. & Véronis, J. (n.d.). Electronic Dictionary Encoding: Customizing the TEI Guidelines. 12.
- & Odijk (2017)
- (N.A.). (2017). Making the Dictionary of the Frisian Language Available in the Dutch Historical Dictionary Portal. In & Odijk, J. (Eds.), CLARIN in the Low Countries. (pp. 151–165). Ubiquity Press. https://doi.org/10.5334/bbi.13