
Clause final negation and double negation in Northwest Kainji

Using morphosyntax as a diagnostic tool for untangling the varied negative marking in Northwest Kainji.

Reported Speech in u̱t‑Maꞌin

A look at two constructions used for speech reporting in u̱t‑Maꞌin narrative texts and an overview of how the form of speech reporting constructions can extend beyond the bounds of the speech domain.

Marked nominative alignment from reanalyzed relative clauses: Towards an explanation of prefixes and suffixes in Northwest Kainji argument marking

In this study I argue that the innovative suffix-marked nominative form is the result of reanalyzing a relative clause structure as main clause syntax. These clauses function are syntactically independent, and yet are somehow discourse dependent with limited occurrence in narrative texts.

Ubiquitous Association in u̱t‑Maꞌin

The u̱t‑Maꞌin associative morpheme is in widespread use across different four distinct syntactic constructions. Understanding these diverse uses of the associative and the accompanying agreement marking is crucial to understanding the grammar of the language.

Discourse reporting in African storytelling

Exploring grammatical patterns used for quotations in narrative texts.

u̱t-Maꞌin predication

Exploring the morphosyntax of verbal and nonverbal predication, negation, and the extensive use of nominalization.

Discourse function of marked and unmarked verbs in u̱t‑Maꞌin narrative

Bibliography Bybee, Perkins & Pagliuca (1994) Bybee, J., Perkins, R. & Pagliuca, W. (1994). The evolution of grammar: tense, aspect, and modality in the languages of the world. University of Chicago Press.

u̱t-Maꞌin Pear Film research

A parallel corpus of Pear Film retellings from 9 speakers, across 3 u̱t‑Maꞌin varieties.

u̱t-Maꞌin verb research

This project focused on answering the question: “What is the distribution of verb forms in narrative discourse?”

Semantics of u̱t‑Maꞌin noun classes

I explore evidence for semantic cohesion and semantic assignment criteria to U̱t‑Maꞌin noun class pairings, the distribution of loanwords semantic regularities, and the distribution of verbal nouns throughout the noun classes.