Archvies are increasingly aware of the need to record copyright, but does also recording the jurisdiction matter?
Archvies are increasingly aware of the need to record copyright, but do archives also track privacy right releases?
Is everything an archive? Are there limits to the term? How are linguists using the term?
A presentation of a methodology for using parallel corpora to compare typing experiences.
The OLAC community has several componnets which make it successful. This talk looks at several critical areas which make that succes more valuable.
A look at indexing serials in OLAC.
The mash-up of LRMI and OLAC metadata for the benefit of language revitilization.
How should peer-review be different for different kinds of resources? What constitutes a complex language resource?
When and where does community review and peer-review create mutal benefit?
What is the overlap between services and language resources? How ought these be described in the OLAC application profile?