If we take a design look at Dublin Core, is it really as flexible as proclaimed or are there limits imposed by semantics.
Do all OLACs refer to the Open Language Archives Community?
A short summary of some Unicode errors in OLAC rendering pages.
What are some really practical things that I wish were more feasable with vanilla Dublin Core.
Various understandings of metadata profile for the Open Language Archive Community exist in the literature. But are they justified?
An initial look issues in developing a cross-walk between Library of Congress Subject Heading terms to OLAC subject terms.
An outline of some of the things to track when making a writing system history database.
Some pointers in academic Tolkien studies.
There has been some discussion of what constitutes a collection among language documentation practitioners. Johnson (Citation: Johnson, 2004, p. 142) Johnson, H. (2004). Language documentation and archiving, or how to build a better corpus.
A short bibliography of papers related to materiality and digital objects.