Additional OLAC Collections

There is an interesting dc:type declaration using the term ‘archives’ in some OLAC records.

Dublin Core's DCMIType ‘PhysicalObject’ and its use across the Open Language Archives Community

This study explores the composition of linguistic and anthropological language-focused artifact records which use the DCMIType term ‘PhysicalObject’. However, the results are broadly applicable to all users of Dublin Core. Dublin Core’s …

Dublin Core's DCMIType ‘PhysicalObject’ and its use across the Open Language Archives Community

This paper presents an analysis of research involving the use and validity of the DCMIType value ‘PhysicalObject’ in the OLAC network of data providers.

Dublin Core DCMIType: PhysicalObject

What is a PhysicalObject in the DCMIType vocabulary.

Dublin Core DCMIType Chooser

Figuring out the DCMIType for a described resource.

An OLAC Perspective on Services: The Forgotten Language Resources

What is the overlap between services and language resources? How ought these be described in the OLAC application profile?

OLAC Term Consolidation

A quick look at how OLAC can benefit from term consolidation.

Where Have All the Collections Gone?: Analysis of OLAC Data Contributors' use of DCMIType 'Collection'

Language materials, as commonly conceptualized by academics, are resources which specifically exhibit or provide evidence of a naturally spoken language. The modern area of academic practice known as language documentation has its roots in …

Where Have All the Collections Gone?

The Open Language Archives Community (OLAC) aggregator currently compiles 443,217 records from 65 providers. Participating archives each provide Dublin Core metadata via an OAI feed.Based on the needs of both linguists and language community members, …

Corpora, Collections, and Datasets

There has been some discussion of what constitutes a collection among language documentation practitioners. Johnson (Citation: Johnson, 2004, p. 142) Johnson, H. (2004). Language documentation and archiving, or how to build a better corpus.