
OLAC Subject Terms and Their Equivalents

An initial look issues in developing a cross-walk between Library of Congress Subject Heading terms to OLAC subject terms.

Work-for-Hire and Open Access

Are academic publishing practices actually attributing the right copyright holder?

Writing System Versions

An outline of some of the things to track when making a writing system history database.

Converting FLExText Files to XLingPaper Interlinear Texts

A short note with commandline instructions for converting FLExText for inclusion into XLingPaper.

Roles for Learning Resources

A stab at some roles for learning resources.

Describing Serials in Dublin Core

A short bibliography of works to consult when looking at how to describe serials in Dublin Core.

OLAC Extenstion for Zotero Types

This OLAC extenstion adds the ability to add a Zotero item type and validate that files have a valid item type.

Scholarship as Social Work

A musing about the role of scholarship, diplomacy, and social work

PDFs from Webpages

A workflow for creating SVG images from PDFs

African Cloth

A quick note about African cloth and patterns.