Describing Serials in Dublin Core

The Open Language Archives Community (OLAC) metadata profile is built on Dublin Core and OAI. Essentially OLAC feeds (to the OLAC aggregator) are modified (or “enhanced”) OAI-PMH feeds. The profile was originally assumed to be describing archived language resources. However, there is a portion of the OLAC schema which allows the describer of a resource to indicate that the resource is a description of the resource rather than a language resource. This is useful for describing things like grammars and journal articles.

My question is: How might journal articles be best described?

There are at least three data providers pushing journal articles to OLAC:

  1. The University of Hawaiʻi. pushes all of the journal Language Documentation & Conservation to OLAC (but does not use ISO 639-3 codes in the records);
  2. The SIL Language & Culture Archive has records for many journal articles published by SIL and others;
  3. The GIAL/DIU library also has pushed records for journal articles or serials.

Records from these three entites can serve as a baseline for current practice. However, how should journal articles, or even whole journals be described in Dublin Core? To this end I have started looking at the literature discussing how journal articles are described in the library science journals. The following bibliography is a compliation of the works consulted so far.


Aalberg & Žumer (2013)
& (). The value of MARC data, or, challenges of frbrisation. Journal of Documentation, 69(6). 851–872.
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Apps & MacIntyre (2000)
& (). Dublin Core Metadata for Electronic Journals. In Borbinha, J. & Baker, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. ECDL 2000.. (pp. 93–102). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Caplan (2003)
(). The Dublin Core. In Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians. (pp. 76–87). The American Library Association. Retrieved from
Caplan & Arms (1999)
& (). Reference Linking for Journal Articles. D-Lib Magazine, 5(7/8).
Cheby (2016)
(). Open Access Metadata for Journals in Directory of Open Access Journals: Who, How, and What Scheme?. School of Information Student Research Journal, 6(1).
Estivill, Abadal, Franganillo, Gascón & Gairín (2005)
, , , & (). Use of Dublin Core metadata for describing and retrieving digital journals. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 0(0). 137–140. Retrieved from
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, , , & (). Use of Dublin Core metadata for describing and retrieving digital journals. Retrieved from
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(). Dublin Core and Serials. Journal of Internet Cataloging, 4(1-2). 143–148.
Keenan (2010)
(). Why Purchase When You Can Repurpose? Using Crosswalks to Enhance User Access. The Code4Lib Journal(11). Retrieved from
Kunze, Lagoze & Weibel (n.d.)
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Martin & Bide (1997)
& (). Descriptive Standards for Serials Metadata and Standards for Terms of Availability Metadata. Book Industry Communication. Retrieved from
NASIG (n.d.)
(n.d.). Representing Serials Metadata in Institutional Repositories. Retrieved from
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& (). FRBRizing an E-Library : Migrating from Dublin Core to FRBR and MODS. The Code4Lib Journal(12). Retrieved from
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Peñalvo, Vega, Fernández, Peña, Aso & Díaz (2010)
, , , , & (). Qualified Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices for GREDOS. Journal of Library Metadata, 10(1). 13–36.
Powell & Apps (2001)
& (). Metadata (1): Encoding OpenURLs in DC Metadata. Ariadne(27). Retrieved from
Taylor (2010)
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Hugh Paterson III
Hugh Paterson III
Collaborative Scholar

I specialize in bespoke research at the intersection of Linguistics, Law, Languages, and Technology; specifically utility and life-cycle management for information products in these spaces.
