
This is a short non-exhaustive bibliography of lexicon projects which have tested or opted to use the XML TEI format for their data. Alessi (n.d.) Alessi, R. (n.

A review of EndNote X8 as I look to compare it with other products on the market.

A thesis proposal for an M.A. in Linguistics at the University of North Dakota.

What legal framworks need to be considered when working with language data from a given community?

An unexpected encounter with a snake.

Is the application of copyright on your website clear? Content can be independet from ‘the website’.

Rethinking language survey by looking at where audiences are headed, rather than where they are from.

Does the money we spend on ‘Language Documentation’ make a difference? I wonder if it wouldn’t be money better spent for language documentation and benefit to the academy, if organizations funding language documentation research for the academy would rather fund the collection of audio samples and video samples already appearning in grammars. In a way provide the support that modern grammars should have.

The need and vision for an Awesome List for Open Source Software related to minority languages.

A cross platform list of the different files related to keyboard layouts.