Usability & Language Resource Stewardship
In this research theme, I look at avariety of usability issues from resource arrangment and description in stewardship arrangments of language resources to user interfaces to those resources. I have published several papers, given many talks and written many blog posts.
Early in this project the focus was more narrow and I sought to look at issues in Language Resource Accessibility. My work was primarily concerned with two facets of accessibility:
- the User Experience related to interacting with archived content; and
- the aggregation of item level metadata about language resources in collections.
However, I have now expanded my resarch focus to include language resource description and arrangment.
I maintain a github repo with raw data and academic outputs for earily works in project at: more recent works have their own data repositories, usually on Zenodo.

Hugh Paterson III
Collaborative Scholar
I specialize in bespoke research at the intersection of Linguistics, Law, Languages, and Technology; specifically utility and life-cycle management for information products in these spaces.
Describing Serials in Dublin Core
Digital Materiality for Language Artifacts
Dublin Core's DCMIType ‘PhysicalObject’ and its use across the Open Language Archives Community
Where Have All the Collections Gone?: Analysis of OLAC Data Contributors' use of DCMIType 'Collection'
Language Archive Records: Interoperability of Referencing Practices and Metadata Models
Lexical Dataset Archiving: An Assessment of Practice
Bird and Simons (2003), Johnson (2004), Nathan (2011), and Holton (2012) all emphasize the importance of archiving language artifacts. …
Challenges of Implementing a Tool to Extract Metadata from Linguists: The Use Case of RAMP
In January 2011, SIL Internationalʼs archive launched a corporate instance of DSpace as part of a larger and ongoing effort to …