Usability & Language Resource Stewardship

In this research theme, I look at avariety of usability issues from resource arrangment and description in stewardship arrangments of language resources to user interfaces to those resources. I have published several papers, given many talks and written many blog posts.

Early in this project the focus was more narrow and I sought to look at issues in Language Resource Accessibility. My work was primarily concerned with two facets of accessibility:

  1. the User Experience related to interacting with archived content; and
  2. the aggregation of item level metadata about language resources in collections.

However, I have now expanded my resarch focus to include language resource description and arrangment.

I maintain a github repo with raw data and academic outputs for earily works in project at: more recent works have their own data repositories, usually on Zenodo.

Hugh Paterson III
Hugh Paterson III
Collaborative Scholar

I specialize in bespoke research at the intersection of Linguistics, Law, Languages, and Technology; specifically utility and life-cycle management for information products in these spaces.
